Registration and Tutorials Skip to main content

Registration and Tutorials

1. Link your BYU account to CITI Here (login through CAS if you aren't already)
- If you already have a linked CITI account, skip to step 2.
- Otherwise you will see this screen.


- Click on the appropriate option of whether you have a CITI account or not, and follow the on-screen prompts (ex. click "Create A New CITI Program Account").

2. You should now be at this screen.


- Click on the Brigham Young University bar (mid-screen).
- Click "Add a Course".

3. Choose your curriculum.
- Once you select the name of your curriculum, press the Submit button at the bottom.
- Now you can just proceed through your chosen tutorials by clicking on them, and following the on-screen instructions.

If you have any questions, contact your research administrator.