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News and Announcements

Executive Orders and Federally Funded Research

There is uncertainty concerning how the presidential executive orders will affect federally funded research grants and contracts. We are carefully monitoring the situation. Please follow guidance you receive directly from your program officer or the granting agency. You may also receive further updates related to your specific grant from the Research Administration Office. Research teams should discontinue DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility) activities required on federally funded projects. Otherwise, please continue with your work as usual until more information is available.

NSF Requires All Biosketches and Current & Pending Support Be Built via SciENcv Effective 10/23/2023

Beginning October 23, 2023 NSF will require that all Biosketches and Current and Pending Support be built via SciENcv. Click here for more information from NSF.

NIH Issues Data Management and Sharing Policy

The National Institutes of Health has issued the Data Management and Sharing Policy (effective for due dates on/after January 25, 2023) to promote the sharing of scientific data. Click here and scroll down to the NIH section to see information on this policy.

NSF 2021 Biosketch

Dear Colleagues:

New guidance on Biosketch and Current and Pending Support for Federal Sponsors

Click here for new guidance on Biosketch and Current and Pending Support for Federal Sponsors.

Partnering Hub Launched by BYU Experiential Learning & Internships

BYU Experiential Learning & Internships has created and launched the Partnering Hub as a directory for project sponsors, students, and the campus community to be aware of the varied capstone/project experiential learning opportunities on campus. Click here for faculty and staff partnering information, including a workflow for the partnering process and sample non-disclosure and capstone sponsor agreements.

NIH Proposals and RPPR Required to Disclose Foreign Activities and Resources Effective 5/25/21

NIH has updated its application forms and instructions to support the need for applicants and recipients to provide full transparency and disclosure of all research activities, foreign and domestic.