Your assigned Sponsored Projects administrator manages award negotiations and executions.
The Sponsored Projects Office confirms the following:
Required trainings have been completed by project personnel (
IRB, IACUC, IBC approvals have been received
Other required plans are in place/approved
An account is assigned and set up for the award. The PI manages the project and complies with award terms and conditions and provides project deliverables.
For financial questions, contact Grants and Contracts Accounting. For contractual questions, work with your SPO research administrator.
The PI informs SPO regarding:
The submission of final reports
Intellectual property disclosures
Capital equipment vesting
Prompt response to SPO closeout emails is appreciated.
Standard Research Proposal Timeline
Early submission is recommended on all research proposals. For standard, non-complex proposals, faculty should, at a minimum, adhere to the Standard Research Proposal Timeline below. You can download a copy of the timeline handout here.
At Least Two Weeks Before Deadline
Contact your College Research Development Specialist / Sponsored Projects Administrator (SPO) and start entering proposal information into Kuali Research. Inform SPO of any specific proposal needs (cost sharing, certification forms, LOI’s, subawardee/consultant).
Five Business Days Before Deadline
Proposal should be complete in Kuali Research and ready for routing.
Submit for review (internal approvals). Your SPO administrator will coordinate directly with you if adjustments are needed for internal approvals or submission.
This timeline and process is the same when BYU is a subawardee on another institution's proposal. Internal approvals are required for BYU's portion of the project.
Proposals without deadlines should follow the same timeline above, adding the target submission date in the "Sponsor Deadline" field in Kuali Research.
System to System (S2S), direct to sponsor via Kuali Research, or non-S2S? Work with SPO to determine the best submission mechanism for your proposal.
What Is a Complex Research Proposal?
Your proposed project is complex if it includes any of the following:
Required significant cost sharing or 3rd party cost sharing
Financial conflict of interest
Detailed sponsor-required budget spreadsheets (commonly used by DOE)
Multiple PIs/CoPIs with required personnel docs
Multiple consultants
Multiple subawardees
Foreign subawardee
Industry or non-profit subawardee
Complex research proposals require more time to review and cannot be done last minute. If in doubt whether yours is complex, contact your SPO administrator. You can download a copy of the Complex Research Proposal Timeline here.
Complex Research Proposal Timeline
Six Weeks Before Deadline
Notify both your Sponsored Projects Administrator (SPO) and College Research Development Specialist. Provide them the sponsor, solicitation number, and which complicating factors below apply. Respond promptly to their follow-up questions.
Begin a plan for the required cost sharing. Ask questions and review the cost sharing section in the Sponsored Projects Handbook.
Four Weeks Before Deadline
Create proposal in Kuali and populate all the known information, including draft attachments and budget.
The subawardee organization(s) should be determined. Will each subawardee be able to participate? Can they comply with all requirements?
Provide SPO with the subawardee admin contact information. SPO will provide a list and the administrative documents that need to be completed.
Two Weeks Before Deadline
Ensure that:
BYU SPO has everything they need in an acceptable state from subawardees
Cost sharing sources and totals are finalized
Project personnel are finalized (multiple PIs/CoPIs)
Five Business Days Before Deadline
Proposal should be complete in Kuali Research and ready for routing.
Submit for review (internal approvals). Your SPO administrator will coordinate directly with you if adjustments are needed for internal approvals or submission.