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Training Resources
Responsible Conduct of Research
Funding Opportunity Search
  • If there is a funding opportunity listed in, the proposal can be submitted via S2S.

  • Contact your Sponsored Projects Administrator to add your adjunct faculty co-PI to the system. Only full-time faculty are automatically in the system.

  • 87-0217280

  • UT-003

  • 00-909-4012


  • 52534

  • FWA00001266

  • D16-00461 (previously A3783-01)

  • Modified total direct cost

  • June 11, 2025

  • Colleges or departments may designate someone to sign NDAs, but usually the researcher most closely involved with the work contemplated by the NDA signs. The official BYU policy on signing agreements can be found at If a researcher is unfamiliar with NDA terms or has questions on a particular NDA, Dave Brown in the Technology Transfer Office can provide a review. On rare occasions, companies may require that a senior officer at the university sign an NDA and the Office of General Counsel can assist with such requests.

  • BYU discourages "Work for Hire".

    If it is determined that a proposed project will be “Work for Hire”, the following questions need to be considered by the PI, his/her Chair and Dean (or Associate Dean):

    1. Does this work contribute substantially to the faculty member's professional development?
    2. Is there significant student experience or education that is a product of this work?
    3. What is the level of usage of University resources (lab space, equipment usage, student time, faculty time)?
    4. What is the expected duration of the intended work? Are there undesirable factors? i.e. a short-term arrangement or a collection of work-for-hire jobs?

    Under federal law, "Work for Hire" is a copyright term. It is often used by industry and other private sponsors to create a psuedo employer-employee, outside contractor or vendor relationship. The advantage to the sponsor is that any intellectual property resulting from such an arrangement belongs to the sponsor. Further there is usually no anticipation of any publications on the outcome(s). The university becomes a corporate vendor that can extend the ability of the sponsor to do experiments or routine analyses that are not available to the sponsor in-house. An educational component useful in training students or in the development of the faculty member's expertise may be a mitigating factor when considering such projects (i.e. capstone projects).

There are numerous funding opportunities from federal and state agencies, private foundations, and corporations. BYU's Office of Research Development can show you how to use the tools as part of a funding search strategy.

The selection of collaborators who will ultimately become subawardees begins at the proposal development phase. The principal investigator (PI) should have early communication with each subawardee. Once the PI has identified their project collaborators, they should work with their school/department administrator designated for proposal development.

FDP Expanded Clearinghouse Initiative

Effective May 2021, BYU joined Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) Expanded Clearinghouse Initiative. This initiative authorizes FDP member institutions to use online organization profiles in lieu of subrecipient commitment forms. Pass-through entities can utilize this publicly-available information when issuing subawards or monitoring subrecipient organizations.

BYU is a participating organization for the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse Initiative. BYU and other participating organizations have agreed to review each other's published profiles in lieu of sending/receiving individual subrecipient commitment forms containing the information posted on their profile. Project-specific data that are transaction or subaward specific (such as an IRB approval, statement of work or budget) may still be shared between BYU and the subrecipient, provided that such exchanges do not require completion of data already appearing on the entity's published profile.

When BYU is Lead

When the principal investigator/department (PI/Dept.) is preparing a proposal that includes one or more subrecipients, the PI/Dept. should:

  1. initiate a proposal in Kuali Research, listing BYU as the Prime Recipient (pass-through entity) and the prime source of the funding as the Sponsor;
  2. send the subrecipient institution BYU's Subrecipient Commitment Form. Each subrecipient is required to complete and sign the BYU Subrecipient Commitment Form and provide applicable attachments (as requested in Section A of the form) in a single PDF via email to the BYU PI or Sponsored Projects Administrator.
    1. The Sponsored Projects Office will review the commitment form(s) and any attachments to determine if additional information is necessary before the proposal is approved.
    Additional Instructions for the Subrecipient Commitment Form

    Each subrecipient organization requires a separate subrecipient commitment form with all applicable attachments.

    Additional information and attachments may be required depending on the sponsor or type of award. The statement of work (SOW) should include any deliverables with a schedule and should be detailed and comprehensive enough to accurately evaluate the success of the subawardee.

    Please note that the subrecipient commitment form is internal to BYU and is not submitted to the sponsor.

    When the final proposal is routed for approvals via Kuali Research, the Sponsored Projects Administrator must review the completed Subrecipient Commitment Form.

    If the subrecipient is participating in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse Initiative, they are only required to complete the first page of the Subrecipient Commitment Form. When the final proposal is routed for approvals via Kuali Research, the Sponsored Projects Administrator must check the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse website to verify the subrecipient’s organization profile.

    International Subrecipients: The Subrecipient Commitment Form (PDF)may have questions that are not applicable for subrecipients that are international organizations. These international organizations should respond “N/A” or leave blank as applicable, and if their organization has documents or information that would be equivalent, they can attach them to the form.

    When BYU is Subrecipient

    When the PI/Dept. is preparing a proposal for submission where BYU is the subrecipient, the PI/Dept. should:

    1. initiate a proposal in Kuali Research, listing the Prime Recipient (pass-through entity) as the Sponsor and the prime source of the funding as the Prime Sponsor;
    2. complete the project specific information on the appropriate form and send it to your Sponsored Projects Administrator for completiong:
      1. if the sponsoring institution participates in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse: BYU's letter of intent form
      2. if the sponsoring institution does NOT participate in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse: the sponsoring institution's subrecipient form
    3. work with your Sponsored Projects Administrator to provide the additional requested documents to the Prime Recipient.

    Brigham Young University is a participant in the Expanded Clearinghouse, a Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) initiative that reduces the administrative burden associated with the exchange of subrecipient monitoring forms. As a result, the attached letter of intent is provided in lieu of the Sponsoring Institution's subrecipient form and our institutional information can be obtained at the Federal Demonstration Partnership Expanded Clearinghouse.